
Solution Brief Overview - Write a brief overview of what your solution is about 2.What is the problem? At the current situation , peoples have immense expectation on official information about covid19.. because they getting lot of confusion during this lockdown period , some of those lost there work ,some of those lost there studies , some of those loose their hope on their's interest ..In this crusial time they believe everything , every information by their's neighbours . Whatever they need they say as a news due to this they building neighbours hope by this kind of rumer.example: some people expect as may 31 should be a verge of this lockdown..first of all they believe theirs dream robestly and share their opinion to someone , like this rumers will getting develop..Theme is , nowadays people's opinions are surroundings us as a official news (rumers). But by chatbot technique ,we cannot spread any rumers.. How can technology help? Chatbot technology , by which people can know about symptems of covid19, prevention method , suitable cleaning methods for covid19, usage of mask etc..... And in which people can ask above thousands of quiries (without time delay, without getting bored )due to this they getting further clarification also.Hence it will use as a instance information provider..This kind of technique doesn't contains any disadvantages chatbot technique consists advantages ... because chatbot never be hurts any user by its reply and never gives rumers will provides only official news. IBM Watson Assistant helps you build, train, and deploy conversational interactions into any application, device, or channel. Creating a chatbot using Watson Assistant can help address the issues that our users face while trying to gather accurate, relevant information. Whether you're trying to learn the latest news about COVID-19 or learn where there's testing in your area, a chatbot can play a major role in helping communities quickly understand crucial information and free up customer service resources to focus on higher-level issues. 3.Working Model - Link of demo video 4.Solution description- In this situation, peoples looking for testing sites and testing kids cause they don't know how to check myself .so chatbot's useful information gets value among public people .. It will create a strong mindset to its user by its useful information...After getting this information they atleast rease from unwanted panic about covid19 .because after chatting, they know spreading methods, and have covid19 awareness also so they didn't need to worry about this virus disease.. Using Watson Assistant, this Call for Code starter kit has designed a virtual assistant pre-loaded to understand and respond to common questions about COVID-19, scan Trained intents and COVID-19 news articles using Watson Discovery [*and training data*], and respond to COVID-19 statistics inquiries with data from trusted sources. With this Watson Assistant-powered Crisis Communications solution, you can integrate a chatbot into your Call for Code solution inBlockchain an IBM Cloud-hosted web server, using a Slack integration, or via a Node-RED dashboard. Chatbot can Reply without time delay with accurate COVID-19 information Help to people to know information instantly Free valuable resources by automating answers to common COVID-19 questions Dynamically update information with the latest developments and recommendations 5.Solution Architecture :- At the present, Chatbot helps to whole world to create a awareness, and Which teaching every person everywhere everything at any time Hence,No one can act as a this kind of personal creating awareness with chatbot people will became as responsible person for their's family and for our country.. so we choose this chatbot technique .chatbot technique totally synchronize with covid 19 crises ,and so It can able to provide all solutions about covid19 so now we perceive that we choose correct problem statement at at the correct situation. Chatbot will answer for general questions also hence people will clarify their's personal doubts .like about their businesses ,about upcoming sports competition ,bank working hours , government holidays ..etc...above problems are the general problems it's without have any time duration like covid19 crises ..but we can solve this general problems by chatbot technique .This is a better proof and so our chatbot always a worth among public people because problems will never gets ending so our chatbot never gets boring feel on peoples mind. We mean usage chatbot not only for this crusial time it will help anytime even in future..but remaining problem statement not loike that so we choose is technique..In future we will improve as a everyone's personal assistant by this chatbot technique .. User visits a chatbot website and which contains questions about covid19. web server calls Watson Assistant hosted in IBM Cloud. Watson Assistant uses natural language understanding and machine learning to extract entities and intents of the user question. The COVID-19 FAQ is sourced from trusted CDC data and by trained data .. Watson Assistant invokes an OpenWhisk open source-powered IBM Cloud Function. IBM Cloud Function calls Watson Discovery running in IBM Cloud. Watson Discovery scans news articles and responds with relevant articles. Watson Assistant invokes an OpenWhisk open source powered IBM Cloud Function. Watson assistant will trains by given dialogue skill (user example sample) Watson Assistant replies to the user inquiry by given dialogue skill K.web server displays the chat answer to the user... 6.IBM Cloud Services/Systems – List of IBM Cloud Services or IBM Systems used in the solution Watson assistant , cloud foundry apps, speech to text ,text to speech,Watson discovery,Blockchain..


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